GOLD CUP - Золотой Кубок - Чемпионат Мира в классе Финн
ПоложениеПолезная информация
(включая дни приезда и отъезда)
Falmouth, UK
1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and the International Finn Class Major Championship rules. These rules may be changed, where permitted, by the sailing instructions.
1.2 ISAF Addendum Q will apply to the Medal Race. The version to be used will be available on the ISAF website on the first day of the event or printed in the sailing instructions.
1.3 The following national authority prescriptions will apply: RYA prescriptions 5 & 68. They are shown in full in attachment A.
1.4 If there is a conflict between languages, the English text shall take precedence.
1.5 All competitors will be required to wear an adequate personal flotation device at all times while afloat, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing.
1.6 For the purposes of anti-doping testing the Event Period is the 9th to the 18th May 2012.
2.1 Boats may be required to display bow numbers and advertising chosen and supplied by the organising authority (OA). Such advertising, if any, shall be displayed in accordance with the sailing instructions.
2.2 The crews of the boats ranked first, second and third in the series at the beginning of that day shall wear yellow, blue and red bibs respectively while racing. The bibs will be provided by the OA.
3.1 Eligible competitors shall be current members of an IFA-recognised National Finn Association. They shall complete on-site registration prior to 1800 on Saturday 12th May 2012, unless the OA extends this date.
3.2 To be eligible for the prizes for juniors, competitors shall not have been born before 1st January 1991.
3.3 The entry quota of Part D “Entry System for IFA Official Championships” of the Finn Class Major Championship Rules will apply.
3.4 Entries shall be submitted on-line at: prior to Wednesday 11th April 2012.
3.5 An entry is not complete until any entry fees have been paid and the entry has been accepted by the OA and the IFA.
3.6 Measurement Certificates shall be presented at on-site registration in accordance with RRS 78.2
3.7 A parental (or guardian) consent form and declaration shall be submitted for crew age 18 and under. The form is available for download on the event website:
4.1 The entry fee for the regatta is £160.
4.2 The accreditation fee for coaches/team leaders and support boat is £50. This covers launching, recovery, berthing, car parking, entry to restricted areas, and attendance at all social events.
5.1 The regatta will consist of an opening series and a medal race or final race. Eleven races are scheduled.
5.2 The ten boats ranked highest in the opening series will be assigned to compete in the medal race, the remaining boats will be assigned to compete in the final race.
6.1 Schedule
Date | Activity | Time | Location |
Tuesday 8th | Finn clinic | To be advised | Regatta Centre |
– Thursday |
10th May |
Wednesday | Dinghy park open* | From 0900 |
9th May |
Registration & | 0900-2000 | Regatta Centre |
| |
| |||
| measurement |
Thursday | Registration & | 0900-2000 | Regatta Centre |
10th May | measurement |
Friday | Registration & | 0900-1800 | Regatta Centre |
11th May | measurement |
| Annual General Meeting | 1800 | RCYC |
Date | Activity | Time | Location |
Saturday | Final registration & | 0900-1800 | Regatta Centre |
12th May | measurement |
| Competitors’ meeting |
| Regatta Centre |
| Practice race | First warning |
| signal 1255 |
| Opening ceremony | Evening | NMMC |
Sunday | Two races | First warning |
13th May |
| signal 1055 |
Monday | Two races | First warning |
14th May |
| signal 1055 |
Tuesday | Two races | First warning |
15th May |
| signal 1055 |
Wednesday | Two races | First warning |
16th May |
| signal 1055 |
| BBQ | Evening | RCYC |
Thursday | Two races | First warning |
17th May |
| signal 1055 |
Friday | Medal race and final race | First warning |
18th May |
| signal 1055 |
| Prize-giving & fireworks | Evening | Events Square |
*Competitors may arrive earlier by prior arrangement with the OA.
6.2 An additional race may be scheduled on any day to enable the full schedule of races to be sailed. A maximum of three races per day will be sailed.
6.3 No warning signal will be made after 1530 on Friday 18th May.
7.1 All boats shall undergo inspection of hulls, spars and sails as well as equipment checks according to Finn Class Rules (including section 10 of Part C “Major Championship Rules”) unless otherwise decided by the IFA Chief Measurer. All measured equipment will be identified for the Championship. Only identified equipment may be used during the Championship.
7.2 All competitors shall hold a valid measurement and class registration certificate.
7.3 Equipment inspection may be made throughout the event
at the discretion of the Class Representative, Race Committee or the International Jury.
8.1 Sailing Instructions (SI) will be available at on-site registration. A preliminary version may be posted on the website: www.falmouthfinnfestival.comprior to this date.
9.1 The regatta centre will be situated at the Falmouth Watersports Centre. Racing will take place in Falmouth Bay or adjacent waters to the east. (See Attachment B.)
9.2 Courses will be as per current IFA Championship Rules.
10.1 An international jury will be appointed in accordance with RRS Appendix N and perform the duties listed in RRS N2.
10.2 Decisions of the jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.5.
11.1 A minimum of four races shall be completed to constitute the Championship.
11.2 A minimum of five races shall be completed to constitute the opening series.
11.3 The Low Point Scoring system will be amended in the SI to account for the medal race.
12.1 All support boats shall be registered with the OA and will be required to comply with local regulations and event support boat regulations. The OA may refuse registrations and accept later registrations at their sole discretion. Registration details
will be posted on the event website: No support boat over 7m LOA will be registered.
12.2 All support boats shall clearly display the national flag or 3 letter national code of its MNA, visible from both sides of the boat,
at all times when afloat. The minimum height for the letters shall be 200mm.
12.3 Coaches, team leaders and support personnel shall comply with the event support boat regulations.
13.1 Boats shall be kept at their assigned places at Falmouth Watersports Centre. There will be no parking close nearby for trailers. Trailers will be kept in a secure compound within Falmouth Docks with restricted access.
13.2 Boats shall be in their assigned places by 1800 on Saturday 12th May. All boats shall be removed from the boat park by 1800 on Saturday 19th May, except by prior arrangement with the OA.
14.1 The class perpetual trophies will be awarded, including the winner of the Finn Gold Cup. The OA will provide prizes for the top 10 boats overall and the top 3 juniors.
14.2 Daily prizes will be awarded by the OA.
15.1 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS Rule 4, Decision to Race. The organising authority or its members will not accept any liability for material damage
or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
15.2 It is for the competitor to decide whether he/she is fit to sail in the conditions which he/she will find. By launching or going to sea, or staying at sea, the competitor confirms that he/she
is fit for those conditions and is competent to sail and compete in them.
15.3 Nothing done by the organiser can reduce the responsibility of the competitor nor will it make the organiser responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury, howsoever it may have incurred, as a result of the boat taking part in racing. The organiser encompasses everyone helping to run the race and the event and include the organising authority, the race committee, the race officers, patrol boats and beachmasters.
16.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of £2,000,000 per incident or the equivalent. All competitors shall present a certificate of insurance at registration (in English). Insurance can be obtained through the event website:
17.1 Competitors and/or their Guardians automatically grant to the OA, IFA and any party to which they may delegate this right, without payment the right in perpetuity to make, use and show (including via the internet), any motion pictures, still pictures, live, taped or filmed television or any other form of media, of or relating to the event.
17.2 Boats may be required to carry tracking equipment.
17.3 Competitors may be required for interviews at the event.
18.1 Further information may be obtained from the event website www.falmouthfinnfestival.comand from the Race Office:Tel: +44 (0)1326 211 555,
Applicable RYA National Prescriptions
5 Anti-Doping
The national authority procedural rules required by ISAF regulation 21.14 to implement the World Anti-Doping Code through ISAF Regulation 21 are the RYA Rules and Procedures for Anti-Doping, as published on the RYA website.
68 Damages
1. Any claim for damages arising from an incident while a boat is bound by The Racing Rules of Sailing shall be the subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and not considered by a protest committee.
2. A boat that takes a penalty or retires does not thereby admit liability for damages or that she has broken a rule.
78 Compliance with Class Rules
The race committee may inspect or measure any boat, as defined in the Equipment Rules of Sailing C.6.1, or personal equipment, as defined in the Equipment Rules of Sailing C.5.3, at any time.